Sunday 8 September 2024

New Spoken Label Session - Lynne Thompson


Latest Spoken Label (Spoken Word / Poetry Podcast) features making her debut, Lynne Thompson.

Lynne Thompson was Los Angeles’ 2021-22 Poet Laureate and received a Poet Laureate Fellowship from the Academy of American Poets.

She is the author of three previous collections of poetry: Beg NoPardon, Start With A Small Guitar, and Fretwork, winner of the 2019 Marsh Hawk Poetry Prize. Thompson is the recipient of multiple awards including an Individual Artist Fellowship from the City of Los Angeles, the Tucson Literary Festival Poetry Prize, the Steven Dunn Poetry Prize, the George Drury Prize, as well as fellowships from the Summer Literary Series, Kenya, and the Vermont Studio Center. An attorney by training with a J.D. from Southwestern Law School.

Thompson sits on the Boards of Cave Canem, The Poetry Foundation, and the Los Angeles Review of Books. In June 2022, she completed her four-year service as Chair of the Board of Trustees at Scripps College, her alma mater. Thompson’s recent work can be found or is forthcoming in the literary journals Best American Poetry, Kenyon Review, The Common, Pleiades, The Massachusetts Review, and Copper Nickel, among others.

Her Website is the following: -


Can be streamed / downloaded from: (Link to follow)

Sunday 1 September 2024

New Spoken Label Podcast - Christine Stoddard


The latest up from Spoken Label (Artist / Writer / Poetry Podcast) features the return of our friend, Christine Stoddard.

Christine is a writer, filmmaker, and artist named one of MSN's Top 10 Inspirational Women to Look Out for In 2024, one of Brooklyn Magazine's Top 50 Most Fascinating People, and a Ms. Magazine "Ms. Muse." Her critically-acclaimed work includes the stage play "Mi Abuela, Queen of Nightmares," the feature films "Sirena's Gallery" and “Her Garden,” the TV show "Badass Lady-Folk," the books Desert Fox by the Sea and Belladonna Magic, the documentary “The Persistence of Poe,” short films such as "Uncontested," "Bottled," and "De Colores (Chorus of Melancholy)," and the publication Quail Bell Magazine. 

She is also the co-host of “Don’t Mind If I Don’t,” a comedy TV show with Aaron Gold. Her painting, photography, and performance/video art have appeared at the Queens Botanical Garden, Irondale Theatre, The Elisabet Ney Museum, The Old Stone House, Howard County Art Center, and elsewhere. She was the inaugural artist-in-residence at Lenox Hill Neighborhood House, as well as part of landmark AIR cohorts at the Brooklyn Public Library-Eastern Parkway Branch and Woodlawn Estate. She has studied documentary film and oral history at Columbia University, interdisciplinary art at The City College of New York, and libretto writing at the BMI Lehman Engel Musical Theatre Workshop. Born to a Salvadoran mother and Anglo-American father, she grew up in Virginia as the eldest of three.

More details about Christine can be found at:

Can be streamed / downloaded from: (Chat) (Reading) (Reading) (Chat)