Monday 27 March 2023

Haiku in Bloom 2023 (My NaPoWrimo - National Writing Poetry Month Project for 2023)


Last year as part of #NaPoWriMo (National Poetry Writing Month) I undertook a series of haiku all written in April in early Spring and simply called it Haiku in Bloom. This year I have decided to simply call it Haiku in Bloom and will put at least one Haiku a day on this blog with various pictures all taken by me through Shepley Woods nearby me.

2022's Haiku in Bloom can be found here 


Spaced in the silence

birds land on top of the trees

welcoming spring back


Opening the gate;
The grass is already moist
Spring is here early.


From a nearby field.

A stranger waves at you both

welcoming the spring.


Tracing your footpaths

you walk on the riverbank

bathing in the sun. 


Mist at edge of woods;
horses running in the fields
embracing the spring.


Below the footpath
sunrise starts winking at you
yes, winter has gone.


Returning sunshine

you walk to the woods at 7

not rushing to work.


Heading into March

you rush towards the forest.

Leaves still frost bitten.


Cold still grips the air

holding back the seasons

from reaching Spring.


Stopping at the gate
the spring sunshine suddenly
turns into rainfall. 


Dancing in the sun

the shadows waltz next to you

like a dance partner.


In the moon’s shadow;

the sun waits before rising

until you have gone.


The air is fragrant

carrying across the fields

opening the gate.


The path is lush green

and the trees waves in the air

glad winter has gone.


Turning clock backwards

Sun starts to rise earlier.

Changing the cycle. 


Birdsong on the trees

bring the reservoir to life

welcoming back spring. 


Gentle breeze in face
opening the forest gate
stretches in welcome.


Pulling into land

a bird flies on the river

glad the ice has gone.


A rabbit wakes

burrows upstairs then pausing

to worship the sun.


Sneaking behind you

the roof on the way to work

Spring loves teasing you.


The woods come to life

luscious scenes near the river

transforming our moods. 


Forest in the rain, 

shelter under an old tree

Nature is laughing. 


A horse trots over

across the meadows to you

just to say hello. 


stick in the dog's mouth

you smile watching the owner

shouting to come back.


butterflies dancing

over a flower scatter

when you walk past them.


somehow missed by Spring

the river was still frozen.

Nature taunting you.


Waiting in the skies

the aeroplane has to wait

in the Spring sunshine.


The softest kisses

stroke against both of your cheeks,

recalling Winter.  


Looking at children 

Each year seems further away

starting every Spring.


Holding hands as one

the sunset follows you home 

glad it is Spring too. 

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