Saturday 28 August 2021

The art in finding the right Podcast for you (Part 3)


Following on from last week with ‘The art in finding the right Podcast for you (Part2)’ I’ve had several other terrible, terrible requests for sessions with the Podcasts I have ran:

As I said before, Podcasting is a great experience when you research the Podcast you wish to be on properly. I had a case recently, when the writer in question who I won’t name didn’t and made himself look completely stupid when he contacted me by email:

The writer who I will name as M got in touch with me by saying “I am a new author of science-fiction and I'm curious about your podcast. Does everyone do a reading on your program? Is your program only on poetry?”

First of all, the first mistake he did mistake was by just thinking I ran one Podcast when in reality I run several, but I guessed by the tone he was referring to Spoken Label but if you are approaching somebody, I think it is essential you advise people which Podcast you are referring to.

Secondly. He clearly didn’t research Spoken Label as if he had, he would have discovered Spoken Label perhaps do focus on Poetry as I am a poet perhaps more, but I love reading and have interviewed a number of novelists / playwriters and musicians and I think it is essential you always research your market before contacting the Podcast in question and resulted in me emailing the gentleman back and simply suggesting he listens to a few of the Podcasts and the answer is there.

I don’t expect to hear back from him.

My second example is probably the worst approach I’ve had by a writer / artist to go on any of my Podcasts when I received an approach on somebody on by somebody who didn’t even set up an account first of all somehow proper and sent this message out to me


I wanna get interviewed

By you.

Im an author

Stoneangels, diktsamling.

? Its be an honor “

I showed this to Amanda (My partner and of course co-host in Reading in Bed) and it honestly left the pair of us completely confused as there was no account, no name, no book, no nothing.

The obvious point is for anybody wishing to go on Podcasting to introduce yourself to the writer so the Podcast host has an idea of who you are – a garbled message with no way of contacting who you are or working out who you are leaving me unable to response even if I wanted to do so. 

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